To support the Australian Government’s commitment to urgently build more social and affordable dwellings, the OFSC will prioritise applications for accreditation from head contractor builders that have tendered for Housing Australia funding.
How to Apply
Builders should apply for accreditation online using FSC Online. Useful information and guidance to support your application is available on the platform.
What Happens After Submitting the Application
Applicants for accreditation that have tendered for Housing Australia funding will be allocated a dedicated Federal Safety Officer for the application process. The Federal Safety Officer will undertake all required audits of the applicant’s WHS management systems and onsite safety practices as well as being on-hand to provide reassessments and closure of non-conformances with the Federal Safety Commissioner’s Audit Criteria. In particular, Federal Safety Officers can support applicants through:
- in-person/virtual debriefing following audits to ensure clarity on the nature of any identified gaps between an applicant’s WHS management system and the Federal Safety Commissioner’s Audit Criteria.
- providing general examples on what steps other (unnamed) accredited builders have put in place to meet FSC Audit Criteria requirements.
- directing applicants to relevant available resources (e.g. regulatory publications such as Codes of Practice, relevant Australian Standards or other industry guidance and tools etc),
- reviewing updates made to WHS management systems and processes and confirming if the updates now meet the Federal Safety Commissioner’s Audit Criteria,
- directing applicants to the OFSC for further assistance and information on accreditation.
Federal Safety Officers can provide up to 40 hours of support to applicants as outlined above. The 40 hours is the time spent by the Federal Safety Officer to prepare, support the applicant and undertake follow-up administration. It does not include time spent at audits. This support is not a consulting service and Federal Safety Officers are unable to advise on, or draft, WHS management system revisions. An overview of the process for gaining accreditation under the Scheme is provided under What is the accreditation process.
Resources and Additional Reading
The following fact sheets provide additional details and further information on how to apply for and maintain accreditation, how the audit process works and helpful information on Safe Work Method Statements:
- Fact Sheet - Contracting for Australian Government funded building work
- Fact Sheet - How to Get Accredited and Stay Accredited
- Fact Sheet - Corrective actions and the auditing process
- Fact Sheet - Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS)
Further Assistance
To speak to an OFSC representative please call the OFSC Assist Line 1800 652 500, or email
For information and assistance on the HAFFF and NHAF, please contact Housing Australia.