While the Scheme prescribes a range of criteria that accredited head contractor builders must meet, compliance with these requirements can be achieved through different approaches and processes. However, for residential head contractor builders applying for accreditation under the Scheme, the application of the criteria is scalable to the size and scope of the business. For example, residential head contractor builders are very unlikely to undertake tunnelling or diving work so such hazard criteria would not be relevant for an audit of a residential head contractor builder. A list of criteria that commonly apply to residential head contractor builders is provided below: 

Example of common Hazard Criteria that may apply

H1 Working at Heights
H5 Structural Alterations/Temporary Support Structures
H7 Excavation (must be a depth of 1.5 metres or greater)
H12 Electrical
H16 Mobile Plant


The audits aim to verify that head contractor builders are implementing WHS systems and practices in line with their documented systems and processes, and that these continue to meet the requirements of the Scheme. 

If the level of compliance demonstrated at an audit is unsatisfactory the company may need to undergo further audits. 

For more information refer to:

Further Assistance

To speak to an OFSC representative please call the OFSC Assist Line 1800 652 500, or email ofsc@dewr.gov.au.