
Photo of a construction worker in high vis clothing sweeping gravel on a road The Federal Safety Commissioner’s WHS Accreditation Scheme Snapshot presents up-to-date data analysis on a quarterly basis. Since the Scheme began, 2…
Lifting diagram The Federal Safety Commissioner’s final webinar for 2021 was held on 24 November. The session was hosted by Federal Safety Officer Ralph Willson,…
Photo of a construction worker looking at a site plan The Federal Safety Commissioner’s WHS Accreditation Scheme Snapshot provides up to date data analysis on a quarterly basis. This quarter marks…
Woman construction worker with helmet and safety vest holding a tablet As part of OFSC’s Hazard 2020 safety campaign, over the past year we have hosted a series of educational webinars on managing high-risk hazards…
Photo of a yellow Franna parked alongside a white 3 storey building The 12-month campaign launched in October 2020 examined the two most frequent areas of hazard management non-compliance over the previous three years…
Photo of Building progress 134. At 47 Beane St. Gosford. September 2018 The Office of the Federal Safety Commissioner has developed a new Scaffold Checklist to help principal contractors manage risk when…
Image of a survey on a laptop The Office of the Federal Safety Commissioner is launching a month-long survey about mental health in the building and construction industry. All…
Franna AT40 Articulated mobile cranes (colloquially known as Frannas) are the most common form of crane on Australian building sites. Incident and audit data…
Photo of an excavator working at a construction site on earthworks. Today marks the end of the Office of the Federal Safety Commissioner’s (OFSC) Hazard 2020 safety campaign. Twelve months ago the Federal Safety…
Photo of a road drilling machine drilling road for repair “Onsite audit results for the last full month of the Hazard 2020 Safety Campaign [September 2021] reinforces that scaffold safety is simply not at…